So, I've been thinking. People go around all the time and says that they can't do it. What kind of statement is that? You can't do it? How is that even an answer? Of course you can do it, you can do anything! Right from the beginning you were given the tools you need to conquer anything. Your mind, and your body. Us, humans, are in fact capable of doing anything. Look at all the great people through history. Everybody said they couldn't do it, and what did they do? They freaking did it!!
Can't is an overly used word.... I hear people say it all the time. I can't do this, I can't do that. And that's where I just want to run up to them and bitchslap them and say: "YES YOU CAN!!". Everybody can push themselves, whether it's mentally or physically. Whether it's in life or business. Anything can be done at any particular moment. Some people might not quite agree with me, and that's fine. You have your opinion, I have mine. Let's leave it that way.
If you have ever tried just to sit down and think about what's going on right now, you might understand some of my points. Of course, I know that nobody's perfect, but why not try anyway? Let's try and achieve what we thought only was capable in our mind?
Some of you may have heard about Lucid Dreams. It's this dream state where you're aware of that you're dreaming, and in that way, you're capable of "controlling" your dreams. Quite fascinating, isn't it? I have achieve the ability to have lucid dreams whenever I want to. It's actually a pretty simple process, but you'll have to read about it elsewhere.
As I said, I've achieved the ability to Lucid Dream. In that way, I get to do all the things that are impossible in real life. I remember the first time i had a lucid dream. I didn't know if it was real or a dream. But as I went ahead and tried out a couple of things, I quickly realized that it certainly was a dream. I was able to fly higher than the highest mountains. Change the world just by blinking. It was amazing.
It's actually a great way to get over your fears as well. If you are afraid of a certain situation, make that situation happen in a dream, and see how it goes. That how I deal with everyday stress, I relive it, but in a dream state. A perfectly safe environment.