Wow, I heard, in my opinion, one of the most stupid things ever today. My English teacher said during class; "It isn't always good to go for you desires". And in my head, I was like: "Dafuq is wrong with you?".
Let me explain.
Desire: Desire is a sense of longing for a person, a feeling, an object or hoping for an outcome.
Well, in that case, not going for your desires, are just plain stupid in my opinion. It's like wanting that cookie really bad, but not wanting the cookie. It doesn't make any sense, does it now? In my mind, desires are what you long for the most. It's what you really want and what takes you sky-high. For me, it's the pump from every hard workout. Everyday in the gym, my biggest desire is to get that feeling of awesomeness. Everyone have had that feeling at some point in their life. And everyone knows that it's the best feeling in the world. As Big Arnold ones said: "For me, working out is like cumming. I'm cumming in the gym at day, and I cum at night at home. Can you imagine how awesome that is?"
That example really got to me, because if you think about it, he's right. Everyone love the feeling of having an orgasm, and if you are able to get that feeling all the time while working out, what are you bitching about then?
Everyone has their own desires. Some people are also talking about bad desires. Desires that are unhealthy or what not. Some people maybe have a bad desire for beer. I think beer is a really good example 'cause beer tastes damn good, but there are really many bad things in beer, for example additives that makes you put on weight. If you drink it all the time, you'll have a "beer-gut". That isn't very flashy to walk around with.
Some people come up with advices like: "Just stop drinking beer". Why? Why would you stop drinking beer? Just cut down on your use. There's nothing in this world that you should ever let go of, if you really like it. If you work out and drink beer, you'll not get fat, you'll stay in shape. No harm.
The other day, I was watching the old movie "Pumping Iron". At some point, Arnold said something that relates to desire as well. A reporter asked him: "Arnold, do you drink a lot of milk?" To that, he replied: "No, I don't. Milk's for babies. I drink beer. Real, grown up men drink beer." I like like that phrase, 'cause he's right. When you grow up, you have to replace some of your childish and old desires with new and improved desires.
But you should never give up something. You should go for your dreams. Shoot for the stars, try and try again, and you'll succeed.
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